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120 Oxford Street

Client: Sirosa

Full strip out, demolition and alteration of the existing shopping centre to accommodate a major flagship UK store as well as a new restaurant, new gym facilities and a full mechanical and electrical upgrade.

Sir Robert McAlpine were appointed for the works under a single stage traditional contract. The challenge from a cost management perspective was the existing shopping centre had yet to be stripped out at tender, this led to over 150 multi facetted instructions on the scheme upon opening up the structure.


A forensic approach to our examination and control of change was required to ensure the client achieved value for money.

A forensic and ultra-thorough approach to our examination and control of change was required to ensure the client achieved value for money.

Client was pleased with the final account value as this was kept within budget despite numerous cost risks and discoverable items.


Members of the Client's team also advised they were impressed with the cost management of the scheme and that they would recommended Academy for future work based on their experience on this project.

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